EU HORIZON - Smart Farming using Soil Sensors & Robotics

Our focus within the SQAT project involves pioneering the design and development of an autonomous vehicle in collaboration with ILVO. We're tackling the electromechanical and navigation aspects to create a cutting-edge tool carrier.

This carrier will serve as an integral part of the larger SQAT initiative, which aims to transform soil management and precision agriculture. Using advanced sensors, AI-driven satellite mapping, and innovative robot-mounted tools, the SQAT project revolutionizes soil analysis, offering high-resolution insights in real time.

Through our specific contribution, we're driving innovation in autonomous systems, while the overall project aims to empower farmers with practical applications for resource optimization and economic gains. Together with our partners, we're reshaping agricultural practices toward efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability.


ERIKSBO PLANT NURSERY - Autonomous Spraying Robot


ARBOTO - Robotic Tool Carrier Prototype